I'm Back (-ish)!

Thank you to those of you who have reached out to say,
"We haven't heard from you in a while, are you okay?"
I am okay. And, I'm getting okay-er as time goes on.

This is one of the practices that is helping me recover my equilibrium each day...

Be Here Now

It's simple, but not easy.

Not DO. Not hurry. Not rush.

Sitting at an end of school concert, having a cup of coffee with a friend, driving into work...

This moment. The only one you really have.

What do you notice about where you are right now? Is your chair comfy? Is your coffee cup warm? Is the sun streaming through your window?

How's your breath?

How's your heart?

Look around my friend, Be. Here. Now.

I'm practicing this deeply these days, in every moment possible. It is a practice. And it's powerful.  

One of my favorite ways I tap into this quickly is through breath prayers. A simple inhale with one phrase and exhale with another. I change these often based on what's on my mind that day. 
Do one with me.

(Seriously, please put your phone down and do this! Don't make it weird and leave me here doing this one alone.)

Place your right hand on your heart. Place your left hand on your stomach.

Fill your lungs fully. Feel the air in your lungs. Recognize your aliveness.

I release my grip on the details.

Deeply push all the air from your lungs.

I trust what happens today is for my good.

Whew. If you're like me, you may want to do this multiple times for it to feel true.  The words aren't as important as the practice, so don't overcomplicate it...say what's on your heart.

More being, less doing.

This is part of a rest practice.  Rest isn't simply about more sleep or a spacious calendar, it's also about noticing what is happening in your LIFE.  Life right now might look like shuttling kids from one event to the next, caring for an ailing loved one, or staring down a full calendar of meetings. It might not feel like an opportunity for breathing, let alone rest.

Rest is resistance. Breath by breath, moment by moment, you can take back a piece of life for you. Only for you. Because you are worthy of the moment. You are worthy of rest. You are worthy of living and loving your life.

I'm doing this alongside you, every day. I'm learning not to rush. I'm learning to listen, to discern...and not to solve.  As I uncover what's next for me, you'll be among the first to know.  

For now, I know that I've got this -- and so do you.


Your delight is worth prioritizing


Something scary happened to me recently